1.4 MUX Digital Air Gauge Unit

7″ high resolution capacitive touch screen display.
Run Chart for process capability.
Cp- Cpk values displayed on Measurement screen.
Calibration Reminder.
Dynamic / Static measurement possible.
Auto/ Manual Data saving facility.
USB module for easy data output. 8GB internal data storage.
Very user-friendlyoperation. No skill required.
2,4 or 6 Gauges can be connect (one result display at a time).
Important / Volatile information is password protected.
RS-232 serial port.
Range: ±0.035mm.
Accuracy ±1% FSD.
Least count 0.5μm, 1μm.
Absolute and Comparative measurement mode.
Tolerance limit setting.
3 status colour identification label for Accept, Reject & Rework.
Low air pressure signal on display.
In-built air regulator for precise air pressure.
Compatible with wide range of Air gauges.
100% Air saving facility with all essential accessories.
Potential free external relay out.
Password protection.
Instrument enclose in Robust and aesthetically design.
Tolerance Limit Indicators. (In Run-Chart and Dial Indicator).